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collection meaning

[ kə'lekʃən ]   Pronunciation:
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  • Noun: collection  ku'lekshun
    1. Several things grouped together or considered as a whole
      - aggregation, accumulation, assemblage 
    2. A publication containing a variety of works
      - compendium 
    3. Request for a sum of money
      - solicitation, appeal, ingathering 
    4. The act of gathering something together
      - collecting, assembling, aggregation

    Derived forms: collections

    See also: collect

    Type of: group, grouping, petition, postulation, publication, request

    Encyclopedia: Collection

  • [Business]


    1 [U,C]

    the activity of obtaining money that is owed; the amount of money that is obtained:

    My work ranged from small debt collection to large acquisitions.

    Many states are facing declining tax collections.

    The government wants to improve tax collection rather than raise taxes.

    a tax collection rate of 94%

    debt/tax/rent/revenue collection

    ◆ to improve/speed up collection

    2 [C]

    a group of objects that has been collected; a group of objects or people:

    They have built up a rich collection of resources to help small businesses.

    She leads a collection of individuals who make up a team.

    Her desk was covered with a collection of old books and papers.

    3 [C,U]

    an act of taking sth away from a place; an act of bringing things together into one place:

    The last collection from this mailbox is at 5.15 p.m.

    data collection

    4 (Finance ) [U,C]

    the act of a bank arranging for a cheque, standing order, etc. to be paid from a bank account:

    You can make a simple call to the bank asking it to suspend collection so that no money is transferred.

  • [Defence]
    In intelligence usage, the acquisition of information and the provision of this information to processing elements.
    See also intelligence process.
    (JP 2-01)

  • [Economics]
    The act of sending a cheque, bill of exchange, or other financial instrument to the prospective payment source (usually a bank) for payment.

    See also:

    acceptance; COLLECTING BANK.

  • [Finance]
    The presentation of a negotiable instrument for payment, or the conversion of any accounts receivable into cash.


  • He had an immense collection of secondhand books.
  • They took up a collection for the annual dinner.
  • The collection of a crowd there was unexpected.
  • You are invited to view our autumn collection.
  • A collection of photographs was on display in the hall.
  • Necessity is the mother of collection.
  • You have fed a great collection of lies.
  • The theological collection was kept in a sacred place.
  • Remittance and collection belong to the commercial credit.
  • He presented his whole collection of books to the library.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of collection and how to define collection in English? collection meaning, what does collection mean in a sentence? collection meaningcollection definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.