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cobalt blue meaning

Synonyms of "cobalt blue""cobalt blue" in a sentence

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  • cobalt blue king's blue
  • Acid blue fg acid brilliant blue fcf acid cobalt blue fcf acid bright blue fcf acid brilliant blue ae industrial brilliant blue
  • Fourteen-inch-tall, cobalt blue, glass candlesticks.
  • In the early period only cobalt blue was used for decoration.
  • The tongue is blue-violet to cobalt blue in color.
  • It's yellow, bright red, cobalt blue.
  • Use it with white alyssum and the cobalt blue of edging lobelia.
  • They want sky blue, cobalt blue, clear blue.
  • From Pottery Barn : Cobalt blue bubble vase ( $ 15 ).
  • Its original tile is beautiful, gleaming in cobalt blue and yellow.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of cobalt blue and how to define cobalt blue in English? cobalt blue meaning, what does cobalt blue mean in a sentence? cobalt blue meaningcobalt blue definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.