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cloud ceiling meaning

"cloud ceiling" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • noun
      The height of the cloud base above the ground


  • The weather was poor  violent thunderstorm and low cloud ceiling.
  • The visibility was 4 kilometres with a cloud ceiling of 61 metres.
  • The cloud ceiling was zero and the fog was right at ground level.
  • Mostly cloudy skies and low cloud ceilings are commonplace during the rainy season.
  • A low cloud ceiling probably obscured Quail Peak.
  • It was almost dark, was misty and they were under a low cloud ceiling.
  • It was dark and raining, but there as a high cloud ceiling and little wind.
  • At 21 : 30 the controller informed the crew that visibility was and the cloud ceiling.
  • In the United States, most VFR to remain below a cloud ceiling and to maintain visibility.
  • This often causes freezing fog on mountaintops, where the cloud ceiling would not otherwise be low enough.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of cloud ceiling and how to define cloud ceiling in English? cloud ceiling meaning, what does cloud ceiling mean in a sentence? cloud ceiling meaningcloud ceiling definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.