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carboxyesterase meaning

"carboxyesterase" in a sentence

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  • [Medicine]
    Carboxylesterase is a serine-dependent esterase with wide substrate specificity. The enzyme is involved in the detoxification of XENOBIOTICS and the activation of ester and of amide PRODRUGS.


  • It is capable of inhibiting carboxyesterase enzymes in those exposed to it.
  • Other names in common use include JH esterase, juvenile hormone esterase, and juvenile hormone carboxyesterase.

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What is the meaning of carboxyesterase and how to define carboxyesterase in English? carboxyesterase meaning, what does carboxyesterase mean in a sentence? carboxyesterase meaningcarboxyesterase definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.