bird-footed dinosaur meaning
- Noun: bird-footed dinosaur
- Any of numerous carnivorous dinosaurs of the Triassic to Cretaceous with short forelimbs that walked or ran on strong hind legs
- theropod, theropod dinosaur
Derived forms: bird-footed dinosaurs
Type of: saurischian, saurischian dinosaur
Part of: suborder Theropoda, Theropoda
- Any of numerous carnivorous dinosaurs of the Triassic to Cretaceous with short forelimbs that walked or ran on strong hind legs
Other Languages
- "bird-footed dinosaur" meaning in Chinese: [古生物]鸟足恐龙
What is the meaning of bird-footed dinosaur and how to define bird-footed dinosaur in English? bird-footed dinosaur meaning, what does bird-footed dinosaur mean in a sentence? bird-footed dinosaur meaning,bird-footed dinosaur definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by