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audio amplifier meaning

Synonyms of "audio amplifier""audio amplifier" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Noun: audio amplifier  'odee`ow'amplu`fIu(r)
    1. An amplifier that increases the amplitude of reproduced sound

    Derived forms: audio amplifiers

    Type of: amplifier

    Encyclopedia: Audio amplifier

  • [Electronics]

    audio band The range (band) of audio frequencies.
    audio channel 1. The portion of a complex signal
    or waveform used to convey audio information ex-
    2. The audio-frequency section of a
    transmitter or receiver (as opposed to the radio-
    frequency section).
    3. A radio channel of fixed frequency that is reserved for voice communications.


  • Measuring methods of car radio cassette player and audio amplifier
  • Digital high-frequency audio amplifier
  • General specification of surround audio amplifier for home theater
  • Method of measurement on audio amplifier
  • Classification and basic parameter of car radio casstte player and audio amplifier
  • audio amplifier of computer
  • Automation saving for screen standard audio video line output, connect to tv or any audio amplifier
  • En : 1 . our company has the most characteristic fitting up as well as topmost and largest audio amplifier equipment
  • Method for measuring audio amplifier single-frequency output for institutional audio-visual equipment used primarily for speech
  • Environmental testing requirements and methods for broadcasting receivers, broadcasting television receivers, tape recorders and audio amplifiers
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of audio amplifier and how to define audio amplifier in English? audio amplifier meaning, what does audio amplifier mean in a sentence? audio amplifier meaningaudio amplifier definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.