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at one time meaning

Synonyms of "at one time""at one time" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Adverb: at one time
    1. Simultaneously
      - at a time, at once 
    2. At a previous time
      "at one time he loved her"
      - once, formerly, erstwhile [archaic], erst [archaic], sometime [archaic]

  • [American slang]
    adv. phr. 1. In the same moment; together. Let's start the dance again all at one time. Mr. Reed's bills came all at one time and he could not pay them.
    Synonym: AT THE SAME TIME1. 2. At a certain time in the past; years ago. At one time people thought that Minnesota was not a good place to live. At one time most school teachers were men, but today there are more women than men.


  • at one time i used to go skiing every winter.
  • The city at one time must have been prosperous.
  • The song had a great vogue at one time.
  • I cared for her very much at one time.
  • My brain can not hold so much information at one time.
  • at one time circular ducts were very expensive to manufacture.
  • Almost all of them wet their guns at one time or another.
  • Each of these approaches was very fashionable at one time or another.
  • Token money could at one time be contrasted with "full bodied" money.
  • What may be a stimulus at one time may become an obstacle later.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of at one time and how to define at one time in English? at one time meaning, what does at one time mean in a sentence? at one time meaningat one time definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.