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absorption band meaning

Synonyms of "absorption band""absorption band" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Noun: absorption band  ub'sorpshun band
    1. A dark band in the spectrum of white light that has been transmitted through a substance that exhibits absorption at selective wavelengths

    Derived forms: absorption bands

    Type of: optical phenomenon

    Encyclopedia: Absorption band

  • [Electronics]


  • Its accuracy and optical resolution may be influenced by atmospheric absorption bands.
  • The suitable ultraviolet absorption band is selected via experiment
  • Characteristic absorption band
  • Intensity of absorption band
  • Correlation absorption band
  • Nmr absorption band
  • Both the red shift of the plasmon absorption band and the sers effect result from the interparticle interactions of gold nanoparticles within the films
  • Infrared absorption bands trap heat from escaping earth's atmosphere.
  • This makes density of states calculations of absorption band shapes easier.
  • Cooler stars include absorption band spectra that are characteristic of molecules.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of absorption band and how to define absorption band in English? absorption band meaning, what does absorption band mean in a sentence? absorption band meaningabsorption band definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.