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bbc microcomputer meaning

"bbc microcomputer" in a sentence

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  • [Computer]
    A series of 6502-based personal computers launched by Acorn Computers Ltd. in January 1982, for use in the British Broadcasting Corporation's educational programmes on computing. The computers are noted for their reliability (many are still in active service in 1994) and both hardware and software were designed for easy expansion. The 6502-based computers were succeeded in 1987 by the Acorn Archimedes family.

    xbeeb is a BBC Micro emulator for Unix and X11.


  • The 1985'BBC Microcomputer Service Manual'from Acorn documented the details of the technical changes.
  • In the early 1980s a small computer lab with BBC Microcomputers was set up under the supervision of Fr Tim Ribeiro.
  • Note additionally that the * EFORM command differs from the equivalent * AFORM command for the 1770 ADFS on the BBC Microcomputer.
  • ADFS as implemented in the BBC microcomputer system ( and later RISC OS ) never had support for single-density floppies.
  • To Sinclair's dismay, the contract to produce the BBC Microcomputer went to Acorn, which launched the machine in January 1982.
  • In the early eighties, Ferranti produced some of the first large Sinclair ZX81, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Acorn Electron and BBC Microcomputer.
  • Earlier that year Barson Computers, Acorn's Australian computer distributor, had released the BBC Microcomputer with floppy disc storage as part of a bundle.
  • In February 2012, Martin Barr released version 5 . 0 of UPURS, a ROM based suite of utilities to aid data transfer to real BBC Microcomputers.
  • Also in that year the BBC Microcomputer was released, initially with provision for floppy disc and Econet interfaces but without the necessary hardware fitted, intended to be supplied as future upgrades.
  • The "'BBC Microcomputer System "', or "'BBC Micro "', is a series of microcomputers and associated peripherals designed and built by the British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • More examples:  1  2
What is the meaning of bbc microcomputer and how to define bbc microcomputer in English? bbc microcomputer meaning, what does bbc microcomputer mean in a sentence? bbc microcomputer meaningbbc microcomputer definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.