(to) hell with that! meaning
- [American slang]
Inf. I reject that! (Very stern or angry. Use hell with caution.)
Mary: I think we ought to go to the dance Friday night. Tom: To hell with that!
Fred: Don't you want to drive me down to school? John: To hell with that!
"(things) might be better." meaning, "(this) vale of tears" meaning, "(threo-d)-isomer neopterin" meaning, "(threo-l)-isomer neopterin" meaning, "(tm)" meaning, "(trans)-isomer cromakalim" meaning, "(trans)-isomer permethrin" meaning, "(trans)-isomer triprolidine oxalate" meaning, "(trans-(+-))-isomer permethrin" meaning,
What is the meaning of (to) hell with that! and how to define (to) hell with that! in English? (to) hell with that! meaning, what does (to) hell with that! mean in a sentence? (to) hell with that! meaning,(to) hell with that! definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.