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earthquake sequence in Chinese

How to pronounce "earthquake sequence""earthquake sequence" in a sentence

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  • 地震序列


  • Study on features of earthquake sequences in east china
  • Parameters of small earthquake sequence in
  • The rupture characteristic of the strong earthquake sequence in jiashi
  • Strike - slip seismic fault and mainshock - aftershock earthquake sequences are dominant in whole yunnan area
  • It is recognized that the concerted characteristics of the earthquake focal mechanism of earthquake sequence for various types are different
  • Studies on the earthquake sequences and the source mechanisms of the strong earthquakes show that yunnan has more obvious subarea characteristics of earthquake type
  • Based on the initial motion data of the earthquake sequence with m ( subscript l ) 3 . 0 of 11 times recored by the telemetered seismic network of shanxi since 1980s , the initial motion characteristics of each earthquake sequence had been studied

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What is the meaning of earthquake sequence in Chinese and how to say earthquake sequence in Chinese? earthquake sequence Chinese meaning, earthquake sequence的中文earthquake sequence的中文earthquake sequence的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.