coronene in Chinese
- 六苯并苯
- 晕苯
- "coroneo" in Chinese : 科罗内奥
- "coronelli" in Chinese : 科罗内利
- "coroner" in Chinese : n. 1.验尸官。 2.(从前英国的)王室私产管理官。 Coro ...
- "coronella" in Chinese : 方花蛇属
- "coroner system" in Chinese : 验尸官制度
- "coronel vivida" in Chinese : 维维达上校镇
- "coroners act" in Chinese : 此句摘自英国
- "coronel vidal" in Chinese : 比达尔上校镇
- "coronese" in Chinese : 科罗内塞
- "coronel suarez" in Chinese : 苏亚雷斯上校镇
Other Languages
- "coronene" meaning in Russian: коронен
- "coronene" meaning in French: coronène
What is the meaning of coronene in Chinese and how to say coronene in Chinese? coronene Chinese meaning, coronene的中文,coronene的中文,coronene的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by