check word in Chinese
- 检验字
- 校验字
- "check" in Chinese : n. 1.(象棋)将军(!),被将军的局面。 2.(突然 ...
- "word" in Chinese : n. 1.单词;〔pl.〕歌词,台词。 2.〔常 pl. ...
- "cyclic redundancy check word" in Chinese : 循环冗余校验字
- "redundancy check word" in Chinese : 循环冗余校验字
- "sequence check word" in Chinese : 次序检验字
- "software check sum word" in Chinese : 软件总和检验字
- "synchronization check word" in Chinese : 同步校验字
- "a word" in Chinese : 我要和你说句话; 一个单词
- "at a word" in Chinese : 立即, 简而言之
- "in a word" in Chinese : 简而言之,一句话; 简言之.一言以蔽之; 简言之,总之,一句话; 一句话,简 ...
- "in the word" in Chinese : 到底,究竟
- "in word" in Chinese : 口头上
- "no word" in Chinese : 无词
- "the word" in Chinese : 世界之窗浏览器
- "word" in Chinese : n. 1.单词;〔pl.〕歌词,台词。 2.〔常 pl.〕谈话,话,言语。 ...
- The words in the checked word list will be translated as " known "
被选择的项目中的单词将会被当作"认识"的单词来翻译。 - You can use the transcript to check words and expressions when you have done an audio activity , but it is better to try to do the activity first without looking at the transcript
Other Languages
- "check word" meaning: [Electronics]A check symbol in the form of a word added to...
- "check word" meaning in Japanese: チェック語
- "check word" meaning in Russian: контрольное слово
"wording" in Chinese, "word" in Chinese, "words" in Chinese, "word word word" in Chinese, "worded" in Chinese, "word word" in Chinese, "word by word" in Chinese, "word count word" in Chinese, "word for word" in Chinese, "check wire reel" in Chinese, "check witer" in Chinese, "check with" in Chinese, "check with construction" in Chinese, "check with discovery" in Chinese, "check work" in Chinese, "check writer" in Chinese, "check writing machine" in Chinese, "check x-ray" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of check word in Chinese and how to say check word in Chinese? check word Chinese meaning, check word的中文,check word的中文,check word的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by