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celery salt in Chinese

How to pronounce "celery salt"Synonyms of "celery salt""celery salt" in a sentence"celery salt" meaning

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  • (加芹菜籽粉的)食盐
  • 芹菜籽粉盐
  • 芹籽盐
  • 香芹盐


  • Various specialty salts for specific uses are available in stores : for example , tenderizer ( salt fortified with enzymes such as papain , used to tenderize meat ) , salt enriched with sodium nitrate or a combination of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate ( used to cure meats and as a preservative ) , and flavored salt ( garlic salt , onion salt , celery salt , etc . )
    各种的特制盐在商店可以买的到,例如:软化剂(盐加强与酵素作用,譬如木瓜蛋白酶使肉软嫩) ,盐被用在与硝酸钠或硝酸钠和硝酸钾的混合(使用在加工保藏肉和作为防腐剂) ,和调味盐(大蒜盐、葱盐、芹菜盐等) 。


  • ground celery seed and salt

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What is the meaning of celery salt in Chinese and how to say celery salt in Chinese? celery salt Chinese meaning, celery salt的中文celery salt的中文celery salt的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.