cascading waterfall in Chinese
- 瀑布
- "cascade" in Chinese : n. 1.(陡岩落下的)瀑布;【园艺】人工瀑布。 2.瀑 ...
- "waterfall" in Chinese : 瀑布;〔美俚〕(披垂的)波型长发。
- "cascading" in Chinese : 级联,串联; 级联效应; 级联作用; 阶梯式渗透; 喷泻; 瀑落运动; 梯流
- "by the waterfall" in Chinese : 瀑布近处
- "waterfall" in Chinese : 瀑布;〔美俚〕(披垂的)波型长发。
- "cascading abort" in Chinese : 连锁夭折
- "cascading action" in Chinese : 泻落运动
- "cascading board" in Chinese : 级联板
- "cascading cable" in Chinese : 级联电缆
- "cascading delete" in Chinese : 级联删除
- "cascading event" in Chinese : 串联事件
- "cascading flow" in Chinese : 梯级跌流
- "cascading folw" in Chinese : 梯级跌水
- "cascading glacier" in Chinese : 急降冰川; 湍降冰川
- "cascading goals" in Chinese : 自上而下绩效目标
- On a boat ride from guilin to yangshuo , deep pools , rough shoals , bubbling streams and cascading waterfalls will provide non - stop visual delight
由桂林至阳朔的水程,更有深潭险滩流泉飞瀑,美不胜收。 - Milford sound is perhaps the most famous of the glacier - carved fiords , and here you will find majestic mountain peaks , sheer granite cliffs , ice blue waters and cascading waterfalls
米佛响峡也许在冰雕峡湾中是最有名的,在那里你会看到气势磅礴的山峰,峻峭的花岗岩悬壁,蓝色的冰水和直奔而下的飞瀑。 - From the miles of red , weathered sand dunes that characterize the continent s famed outback , to the cascading waterfalls and lush wildlife of its scattered rainforests , australia is a land of extremes
由澳洲内陆延绵数里的红土沙丘胜景,到一泻而下的瀑布,加上星罗棋布的热带雨林及其中品种繁多的野生动物,澳洲自有其独特之处。 - The landscape at the center is pristine and scenic , with most of the land being covered by pebbles . a small stream , the nectar river , flows through the grounds along three terraced levels creating cascading waterfalls
"hukou waterfall" in Chinese, "multiple cascades" in Chinese, "cascade concentrator" in Chinese, "cascade emssion" in Chinese, "cascade aerator" in Chinese, "cascade hyperon" in Chinese, "glacial cascade" in Chinese, "cascading action" in Chinese, "flow cascade" in Chinese, "cascading style sheets" in Chinese, "cascading system" in Chinese, "cascading transection tax" in Chinese, "cascading update" in Chinese, "cascading water" in Chinese, "cascading waterfalls" in Chinese, "cascading window" in Chinese, "cascadingdelete" in Chinese, "cascadingdropdown" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of cascading waterfall in Chinese and how to say cascading waterfall in Chinese? cascading waterfall Chinese meaning, cascading waterfall的中文,cascading waterfall的中文,cascading waterfall的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by