| 双刀开关 double-pole switch | 双刃刀具 double-point tool | 双刃剑 rapier | 双刃带锯 double-cutting band saw | 双刃斧 double-bit ax | 双刃短剑 anlace | 双刃角钻头 double-chisel bit | 双列 biserial | 双动压力机 double action press | 双动式蒸汽机 double-acting steam engine | 双动搅拌器 double motion agitator | 双动模 double acting die | 双动源车 dual-mode vehicle | 双动自止门 double action door | 双十二事变 Xi'an Incident | 双卷暗盒 double magazine | 双卷筒起网机 double-drum winch | 双历手表 calendar day and date watch | 双双 in pairs | 双双对对 in pairs and couples | 双双殉情 a double suicide for love | 双反射 bireflectance | 双反射器天线 two-reflector antenna | 双反射测角镜 quadrant | 双反射镜 double mirror |