刑讯室 inquisition room |
刑讯逼供 extort a confession by tortu... |
刑辱 cruelly injure or humiliate ... |
刑部 ministry of penalty |
划 delimit |
划一 standardized |
划一不二 uniform |
划一不二的规定 a hard and fast rule |
划一列车间隔 uniform train interval |
划不来 not worthwhile |
划伐更新 regeneration under coppice s... |
划伐更新林 regenerated forest under gro... |
划出课文要点 mark the main points in the ... |
划分 divide |
划分势力范围 carve out spheres of influen... |
划分地段 divide into sections |
划分敌友 differentiate between the en... |
划分行政区域 divide a country into admini... |
划十字 mark sth. with a cross |
划地为牢 draw a circle on the ground ... |
划地绝交 sever friendship by making a... |
划子 small rowboat |
划定 delimit |
划定分界线 dilimitation of boundary |
划定边界 delimit boundaries |