borough green in Chinese
- 巴勒格林
- "green" in Chinese : n. 1.格林〔姓氏〕。 2.John RichardG ...
- "the report provides a borough-by-borough" in Chinese : 按区
- "ashburton borough" in Chinese : 阿士柏顿河
- "borough chief" in Chinese : 里长
- "borough council" in Chinese : 自治市议会; 自治镇委员会
- "borough court" in Chinese : 自治市法院
- "borough fund" in Chinese : 自治市基金
- "borough market" in Chinese : 巴腊鲜货市场
- "borough member" in Chinese : 市议会议员
- "borough of camden" in Chinese : 坎登自治市
- "borough of queenscliffe" in Chinese : 昆士克利夫
- "borough policeman" in Chinese : 区警, 自治市警察
- "borough sessions" in Chinese : 自治市法院开庭期
Other Languages
- "borough green" meaning in French: borough green
"borough" in Chinese, "queens borough" in Chinese, "london borough" in Chinese, "greymouth borough" in Chinese, "borough sessions" in Chinese, "county borough" in Chinese, "borough member" in Chinese, "stevenage borough" in Chinese, "rotten borough" in Chinese, "borough chief" in Chinese, "borough council" in Chinese, "borough court" in Chinese, "borough fund" in Chinese, "borough market" in Chinese, "borough of camden" in Chinese, "borough of east york" in Chinese, "borough of queenscliffe" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of borough green in Chinese and how to say borough green in Chinese? borough green Chinese meaning, borough green的中文,borough green的中文,borough green的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by