angle of refraction in Chinese
- 折射角
- "angle" in Chinese : n. 〔古语〕钓钩;钓具。 a brother of t ...
- "refraction" in Chinese : n. (光、音波等的)屈折,折射;折射作用;折射度;【天 ...
- "refraction angle" in Chinese : 折射角
- "an angle of refraction" in Chinese : 折射角
- "critical angle of refraction" in Chinese : 临界折射角
- "double refraction angle" in Chinese : 双折射角
- "refraction" in Chinese : n. (光、音波等的)屈折,折射;折射作用;折射度;【天文学】蒙气差,折光差 ...
- "abnormal refraction" in Chinese : 反常折射; 异常折射
- "absolute refraction" in Chinese : 绝对折射
- "acoustic refraction" in Chinese : 声能折射; 声音折射; 声折射
- "acoustical refraction" in Chinese : 声折射
- "analytical refraction" in Chinese : 分析折射
- "anisortropic refraction" in Chinese : 各向异性折射
- "anisotropic refraction" in Chinese : 各向异性折射
- "anomalous refraction" in Chinese : 反常折射; 异常折射
- Noun
- the angle between a refracted ray and a line perpendicular to the surface between the two media at the point of refraction
Other Languages
- "angle of refraction" meaning: Noun: angle of refraction The angle between a refra...
- "angle of refraction" meaning in Japanese: angle of refraction屈折角くっせつかく
- "angle of refraction" meaning in Russian: мат. угол преломления (лучей)
"sound refraction" in Chinese, "differential refraction" in Chinese, "ionic refraction" in Chinese, "parallactic refraction" in Chinese, "negative refraction" in Chinese, "refraction arc" in Chinese, "acoustical refraction" in Chinese, "refraction disorder" in Chinese, "refraction arrival" in Chinese, "angle of recess" in Chinese, "angle of reentry" in Chinese, "angle of ref raction" in Chinese, "angle of reflection" in Chinese, "angle of reflexion" in Chinese, "angle of release" in Chinese, "angle of relief" in Chinese, "angle of replenishment" in Chinese, "angle of repose" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of angle of refraction in Chinese and how to say angle of refraction in Chinese? angle of refraction Chinese meaning, angle of refraction的中文,angle of refraction的中文,angle of refraction的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by