alluvial fan deposit in Chinese
- 冲积扇层
- 冲积扇沉积
- "alluvial" in Chinese : adj. 【地质学;地理学】冲积的。 alluvial ...
- "fan" in Chinese : n. 〔美俚〕(运动,影迷,球迷)狂热爱好者;狂慕者。 ...
- "deposit" in Chinese : vt. 1.放置,安置。 2.使淤积,使沉淀。 3.储蓄 ...
- "alluvial deposit" in Chinese : 冲积层;冲积矿床; 冲积砂矿; 冲积土层;冲积物; 冲积物;冲积层; 砂矿床
- "alluvial fan" in Chinese : 冲击扇; 冲积记扇; 冲积扇; 扇
- "alluvial deposit(soil)" in Chinese : 冲积层(土)
- "alluvial ore deposit" in Chinese : 冲积矿床
- "alluvial placer deposit" in Chinese : 冲积砂矿床
- "fine-grained alluvial deposit" in Chinese : 细料冲积物
- "piedmont alluvial deposit" in Chinese : 山麓冲积层; 山麓冲积物
- "alluvial fan at the foot of a volcano" in Chinese : 火山麓扇状地 火山麓扇状地
- "alluvial-proluvial fan" in Chinese : 冲洪积扇
- "coalescing alluvial fan" in Chinese : 复合冲积扇; 接合冲积扇; 联合冲积扇
- "composition alluvial fan" in Chinese : 衬合冲积扇
- "compound alluvial fan" in Chinese : 衬合冲积扇; 复合冲积扇形
"alluvial dam" in Chinese, "alluvial plain" in Chinese, "alluvial slope" in Chinese, "alluvial claim" in Chinese, "alluvial flat" in Chinese, "alluvial meander" in Chinese, "alluvial epoch" in Chinese, "alluvial gold" in Chinese, "alluvial diamond" in Chinese, "alluvial dolina" in Chinese, "alluvial facies" in Chinese, "alluvial fan" in Chinese, "alluvial fan at the foot of a volcano" in Chinese, "alluvial fill" in Chinese, "alluvial filter" in Chinese, "alluvial filtration" in Chinese, "alluvial flood plain" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of alluvial fan deposit in Chinese and how to say alluvial fan deposit in Chinese? alluvial fan deposit Chinese meaning, alluvial fan deposit的中文,alluvial fan deposit的中文,alluvial fan deposit的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by