accuracy of adjustment in Chinese
- 调整准确度
- "accuracy" in Chinese : n. 正确,准确(度);精确。 firing accur ...
- "adjustment" in Chinese : n. 1.调整;调节(装置);校正。 2.调节。 3.( ...
- "accuracy of frequency adjustment" in Chinese : 频率调整精度
- "accuracy of voltage adjustment" in Chinese : 电压整定精度
- "adjustment standard accuracy" in Chinese : 标准准确度校正 调整标准正确度
- "accuracy" in Chinese : n. 正确,准确(度);精确。 firing accuracy 命中率。 w ...
- "of accuracy" in Chinese : 准确的
- "adjustment" in Chinese : n. 1.调整;调节(装置);校正。 2.调节。 3.(赔偿损失的)清算。
- "the adjustment" in Chinese : 治疗
- "a olute accuracy" in Chinese : 绝对精度
- "absolute accuracy" in Chinese : 绝对精度; 绝对准确度
- "accuracy absolute" in Chinese : 绝对准确值
- "accuracy at target" in Chinese : 命中精度
- "accuracy audit" in Chinese : 正确性审计
- "accuracy block" in Chinese : 精确块,(枪管上的)加强块
Other Languages
- "accuracy of adjustment" meaning in Russian: точность настройки, точность регулировки
"profile accuracy" in Chinese, "statical accuracy" in Chinese, "distance accuracy" in Chinese, "positional accuracy" in Chinese, "working accuracy" in Chinese, "levelling accuracy" in Chinese, "accuracy contours" in Chinese, "accuracy rating" in Chinese, "cutting accuracy" in Chinese, "accuracy limit" in Chinese, "accuracy limit factor" in Chinese, "accuracy logistics ltd" in Chinese, "accuracy metrics and spatial assessment" in Chinese, "accuracy of action" in Chinese, "accuracy of alignment" in Chinese, "accuracy of amplitude measurement" in Chinese, "accuracy of an instrument" in Chinese, "accuracy of analysis" in Chinese,
- "accuracy limit" in Chinese
- "accuracy limit factor" in Chinese
- "accuracy logistics ltd" in Chinese
- "accuracy metrics and spatial assessment" in Chinese
- "accuracy of action" in Chinese
- "accuracy of alignment" in Chinese
- "accuracy of amplitude measurement" in Chinese
- "accuracy of an instrument" in Chinese
- "accuracy of analysis" in Chinese
What is the meaning of accuracy of adjustment in Chinese and how to say accuracy of adjustment in Chinese? accuracy of adjustment Chinese meaning, accuracy of adjustment的中文,accuracy of adjustment的中文,accuracy of adjustment的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by